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Střední školy Cizí jazyky Angličtina

First certificate practice test plus with key + CD

  • First certificate practice test plus with key + CD
Cena : 400,00Kč
Type : Prodám
Date : 21. 11. 2021
Nakladatel : PEARSON Longman
Cena poštovného : Zásilkovna: 47 Kč (výdejní místo), 79 Kč (na adresu)
Místo : Bystřice nad Pernštejnem, Česko

NOVÁ, + CD-ROM (2 extra tests) and 2x Audio CDs.

SIX new practice tests in exam format

Audio CDs for students to practise listening at home

Full colour visual material for paper 5 and sample OMR answer sheets allowing students to become familiar with real exam conditions

Annotated answer key analysing correct and incorrect answers, and completed audio scripts with answers marked

2x Audio CD + CD-ROM (2 iTests)



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